Rebel Teahouse's philosophy is to be better than the day before.
Our goal for now is to become the best bubble tea shop in Atlanta, offering modern boba culture to our city through innovative recipes, high quality ingredients and and a refreshingly rebellious culture. We'll get there eventually but once we do, we won't stop there.
To keep us on track and so we never lose sight of what we set out to do, we drafted this rough Rebel Manifesto. It was meant just for us, and we never really thought about making it public. However, after thinking about it for a while, we thought - why not?
"It's better to ask for forgiveness than for permission."

Rebel Teahouse Manifesto
#1 SHAKE LIFE UP. Surprise people and leave them speechless. Surprise yourself with what you're capable of.
#2 NEVER SETTLE. Good isn't bad - but go for great every time. You'll never regret it.
#3 BE CREATIVE. It's often found in the strangest places and when you least expect it. So plan for it.
#4 FEEL FREE. Take the risks. It's easier, better and faster to ask for forgiveness than for permission.
#5 SLEEP LIKE A BABY. Sleep tight knowing that you're one of the good guys fighting the good fight.
#6 ASK STUPID QUESTIONS. Sooner or later (usually later), it might lead you to a really smart question.
#7 TAKE FIELD TRIPS. It's a big world out there, and it's the best at offering moments of useful inspiration.
#8 THROW THINGS AT THE WALL! Figuratively and if necessary, literally - so you can see what sticks.
#9 LAUGH. When things are going great, laugh out loud. When the sky is falling, laugh anyways.
#10 BE DISRUPTIVE. It's fun to be the bull in the china shop. But you have to get inside first.
#11 FAIL FORWARD. It's okay to fall flat on your face. That's at least a few feet of progress towards your goal.
#12 VOTE CONSCIOUSLY. Everything you do is a choice. Choose wisely and with intention.
#13 PAY IT FORWARD. Share your experiences, creativity and passion, connections, and lessons learned.
#14 START WITH ATTITUDE. Every day, the first important decision is to get in the right mindset.
So Don't Expect The Same Every Time
Each time you stop by, expect your drink to taste better than the last.
Our in-house syrups are constantly being tweaked for that perfect ratio.
As much as possible, everything will be in-house. We'd milk our own cows if we could.
We want to work with only the best - the most local, the absolutely delicious and the undeniably premium.
None of our drinks are perfected yet. We're always working on optimizing what goes in them, how they taste and how they present to you and the world.
Want to help us out?
You're in luck! As a matter of fact, we need some upstanding individuals to help us taste-test and refine our recipes!
Send us a dm on IG @rebelteahouse or email us at!
In Rebellion,
Proprietress of Rebel Teahouse